New FTC rule strengthens enforcement against damaging review practices
It’s about damn time. Read the FTC’s details.
Online reputations have been suffering for years from:
- Fake reviews
- Buying positive or negative reviews
- Suppressing reviews (businesses threatening legal action or physical intimidation of reviewers)
- Reviews from fake social media accounts
This new Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ruling helps businesses and reviewers alike. By keeping the process authentic, consumers will have a better understanding of the products and services!
We’ve helped countless businesses fight fake reviews, reviews falsely posted by competitors, and review bombing. This change has been a long time coming.
Emphasis on ONLINE Review Responses
Weeding out the fake reviews means an even greater need to respond to reviews. Remember that both reviews and review responses are now indexed by Google impacting your search performance.
We’ve put together a couple easy-to-follow templates:
If you’ve got questions about your online reputation, just give Signalfire a shout.